Outplacement Services
We believe that employees at every level deserve access to career transition services not only because it’s the right thing to do, but also because it’s a smart business move for employers…
Because of the cost, often outplacement is available only to managers and executives. To lower the cost, many providers have shifted to a self-service model that offers minimal individual support and pushes candidates almost exclusively into webinars and other internet-based resources.
The one sure thing we’ve learned in working with 1,500+ job seekers over the last 14 years is that what people in transition need the most is personal service. They need a live person to talk with about their career goals, aspirations, and challenges. Someone to encourage them through the challenging realities of job transition, to believe in them and give them confidence to make their next career move. Of course, they need to know how to move successfully through the tactical aspects of a job search and we provide the cutting-edge resources and knowledge they need to market themselves effectively in today’s global marketplace. But first, they need to know where they’re going and why.
Having a specific target and clear direction on how to get there significantly reduces the job transition timeframe and makes the experience less overwhelming. No website can adequately help individuals through the critical discovery process.

Our Approach…
We customize our approach to meet the need of each candidate. Some people know exactly where they’re going and simply need to market themselves effectively through their resume, social media and interviewing skills. Other people are considering a change and need to define what that means for them – sometimes it’s simply a change in industry and other times it may be a complete career shift. In those cases, we use a variety of assessments and ample coaching to help candidates through a systematic exploration process to identify the ideal job fit (research shows that 70% – 80% of employees are unhappy in their jobs and looking for a change).
No matter the scenario, we create a transition plan customized for each candidate.
Using our outplacement services is a smart decision for companies because it:
Protects your employer brand & reputation
Mitigates the risk of litigation
Provides an opportunity to do the right thing for your valued employees